What is EMDR? Find Answers and See if It Can Help You Heal

EMDR—I had seen those four letters in different places. A lot of people were starting to talk about it, but I had no idea what those four letters stood for. 

When I met some people who had experienced EMDR, my curiosity was sparked.

“My counselor did EMDR with me after my tragic car accident. It really helped me.”

“EMDR enabled me to process and heal from some childhood memories of trauma I was carrying.”

“I heard that EMDR could help me move past some of those disturbing images after my mother’s death.”

I was hearing enough about EMDR that I wanted to find out more. I put on my learner hat and set out on a mission, starting with the EMDR Institute.

What is EMDR? 

“EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.”

Studies have shown that EMDR therapy can accelerate the traditional psychotherapy process by several years, as it activates a person’s natural healing process. The EMDR Institute compares a psychological trauma to a physiological trauma. Just as the body naturally moves towards healing, so does the brain. However, “if the system is blocked or imbalanced by the impact of a disturbing event, the emotional wound festers and can cause intense suffering. Once the block is removed, healing resumes.”

What is the process of EMDR?

During part of the session, eye movements or other bilateral stimulation, such as alternating left-right tones or tapping, are used. The clinician first determines which of the disturbing memories to target first. They ask the client to hold various events or thoughts in their mind while simultaneously using their eyes to follow the therapist’s hand as it moves back and forth across the client’s field of vision. Research shows that the same biological mechanisms involved in Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep begin to bring up internal associations. As a result, the client is able to process the memory and disturbing feelings. 

“In successful EMDR therapy, the meaning of painful events is transformed on an emotional level. Unlike talk therapy, the insights clients gain . . . result not so much from clinician interpretation, but from the client’s own accelerated intellectual and emotional processes.”


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How does EMDR differ from other psychotherapies?

According to the EMDR International Association, EMDR therapy does not require a lot of talking in detail about trauma or disturbing experiences and memories. It does not require homework between therapy sessions. Rather than focusing on the distressing emotions, thoughts, and behaviors of the issue, EMDR therapy allows the brain to activate its natural healing processes. Typically, EMDR therapy can be completed in fewer sessions than other psychotherapies.

How long has EMDR therapy been practiced?

EMDR therapy has been used by psychotherapists for more than 30 years in over 130 countries around the world. It has even been found to successfully reach across language barriers between the therapist and the client. According to the EMDR Institute, millions of patients have been treated with EMDR therapy.

Who discovered EMDR therapy?

EMDR therapy was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987 when she discovered a connection between eye movement and persistent distressing memories. 

Is EMDR effective?

The research and studies reveal that EMDR is highly effective. In more than thirty controlled outcome studies, the results are quite astounding. 

  • 84-90% of single-trauma victims no longer have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after only three 90-minute sessions.

  • 100% of single-trauma victims and 77% of multiple trauma victims no longer were diagnosed with PTSD after only six 50-minute sessions. 

  • 77% of combat veterans were free of PTSD in 12 sessions. 

It is considered a safe treatment for children, adolescents, and adults, and is less harmful than many medications. Results also tend to last long after treatment ends.

Is EMDR recognized as a legitimate form of psychotherapy?

According to the EMDR Institute, EMDR is now recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization, and the Department of Defense as an effective form of treatment for trauma and disturbing experiences.

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

Who can most benefit from EMDR? 

EMDR therapy is an effective treatment for children, adolescents, and adults and is used widely to treat disorders such as anxiety, depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD), chronic pain, addictions, and other distressing life experiences. It is used for single-traumas and multiple-traumas. It has been especially effective to treat childhood sexual trauma.

Can I do EMDR on myself?

EMDR therapy should only be done by trained psychotherapists.

How can I determine if EMDR is for me?

Talk to your medical doctor or trained counselor if you think you could benefit from EMDR therapy. They can help you determine if EMDR is a good treatment option for you and what next steps to take.

You can also contact the EMDR Institute or the EMDR International Association for further information. 

Now That I Know

Now I know what those four letters stand for—EMDR. I also know a lot more about this effective form of therapy. Hopefully this new learning and awareness can help me and any others who might one day benefit from activating our natural healing process.

See Beyond’s counselors offer EMDR therapy. If you are interested in knowing more, please reach out.


Guest author, Marci Renée, along with her family, is a global nomad who has traveled to more than 30 countries and has lived in the United States, France, Morocco, and Spain. She loves to travel, speak foreign languages, experience different cultures, eat ethnic foods, meet people from faraway lands, and of course, write and tell stories. She is a published author of children's picture books, memoirs, short stories, and poetry.

You can find Marci and her books on her website.

"The Cultural Story-Weaver," at www.culturalstoryweaver.com


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