About See Beyond

Do Better, Stay Longer

Our Story

We arrived in Morocco in 1997, eager to help start a new school. When our plane landed, our boss was not in country, and the person who was delegated to help us was away on vacation. We felt so alone.

We taxied to a church that first Sunday and were grateful to meet a couple who took us under their wings. They helped us to get settled into Casablanca life. That was our first touch with the reality of how important it is to care for people, especially when it comes to overseas living.

That’s probably why—a year later, when the school was being launched—we took on the role of welcoming new staff and making sure their needs outside of work were met.  

One year, a young teacher became suicidal, and we searched for an English-speaking counselor to help her. We had to go to Spain to find someone. The next year, a new member of our staff was in a taxi that was hit by a truck. His driver died moments later, and he was deeply shaken. We knew he needed something called a “debriefing,” but we didn’t know how to help.

These situations compelled us to get more training so that we could help others succeed and manage the difficulties of cross-cultural living. Many years of study and practice later, we decided to start See Beyond—helping expatriates to do better and stay longer in North Africa.   

Where Your Needs Say ‘Hello’ to Hope

Living cross-culturally has so many wonderful benefits and so many challenges.

We weren’t meant to travel this road alone. We’d love to introduce you to hope for your inner and interpersonal needs.

Schedule a free consultation and say “hello” to hope.

Our Vision

We seek to support communities of expatriates living in North Africa, the Middle East, and the Sahel in better caring for one another. We train individuals and groups in how to have better communication skills and to know exactly what to do when a situation is beyond their abilities.

We envision communities where leaders more effectively care for their teams, not only in the work they are called to accomplish, but in how they care for the whole person—and even the whole family.  

We desire for spouses to have the deeper relational skills needed to not just survive, but to truly deepen intimacy. We want children to blossom in the environment in which their family is working.

We are eager for singles to be less isolated and to feel like valued members of larger communities. We aspire to see communities flourishing—like an oasis in the desert.

Compassionate Care

Our providers strive to provide a welcoming, warm, engaging, and supportive space for learning and growth. 


We are listeners who care deeply about being non-judgmental, trustworthy, and confidential with your personal content.

Our Values


Our staff are highly trained in their fields. All providers take part in ongoing professional development and assessment. 


We are insiders who will come to or near you whenever possible, especially when invited. We seek to price our professional services affordably. 


  Our providers have lived in (or still live in) the countries in which we serve (or similar countries). We can relate to your experiences because we’ve lived a cross-cultural life in a similar location. 


 In all we do, we take a posture of being facilitative. While professionally holding the process, we believe you are masters of your stories and content. We provide services in a participatory manner, not as experts who have nothing to learn. 

Our founders


Hey! I have loved living in Morocco and traveling throughout North Africa for more than 25 years. I have raised two boys here and am the happy “Mimi” of three grandsons.


Outside of my passion for helping people live an abundant life, I love mountain biking, NASCAR, and playing tennis any time I can find a partner. I hold a love for Monster Truck racing deep down inside.


We are now a team of 24, all of whom have lived in North Africa, the Sahel, or a similar environment, and share See Beyond's values. All but Tim and Katie are Independent contractors we affectionately call staff. They are all part-time people who are highly trained and qualified in their areas of service, all while continuing with their regular work. They go through a rigorous application process and have the appropriate credentials or licensure for their fields, along with practical experience. 

Counseling: We have two licensed counselors and a child psychologist on our team of professionals, all of whom live or have lived in North Africa.  Learn more on our Counseling page.

Personalized Care: We have eight staff who provide ongoing Personalized Care, which includes debriefing, coaching, spiritual direction, and/or mentoring. All our debriefers are certified. 

Debriefing: Our nine debriefing staff have gone through extensive training to help you untangle and understand your story. Their debriefings have been evaluated twice and passed our high standards, so you’ll get more than just an awesome listener. Learn more about Debriefing here.

Coaching: We have two Professional Certified Coaches (PCC) and several staff who are Associate Certified Coaches with the International Coach Federation. Check out our Coaching page.

Navigating Decisions & Desires: We have two certified Marriage Coaching couples and two couples who are working toward their certification to help you and your spouse strengthen your communication skills. 

Third Culture Kids: We are thrilled to have three staff who are focused on helping meet the needs of our children who are growing up overseas. Additionally, we have a child psychologist who is happy to consult with parents and meet with children. 

Hear About the Results

  • I felt as though each person was really valued, and the process was explained in a way that made it doable for anyone. The process was systematically given, but in such an organic way. It was never boring, and not just lecture. The way we learned was listening, watching, participating, and practicing.


  • With my business hat on, I always think about "return on investment" and Debriefing has to be one of the highest ROI things I've done for my personal development and mental health in the past 10 years. I cannot believe the progress and ground we covered in such a short amount of time.

    —R. Murphy

  • Tim asks permission to walk into raw, vulnerable spaces and always respects my limits. I walk into and out of sessions with Tim feeling safe.

    —Counseling Client

  • Having a counselor, like Lynne, that understands overseas life is so helpful with having the shared experience of living and working overseas.

    —Counseling Client

  • I was again quite satisfied that the quality of programming See Beyond is known for in my mind continues! The time was engaging, learning was advanced and I had a life-enriching experience.

    —Cheryl Yennie

  • I felt encouraged, safe, and fully emotionally supported, enabling me to be honest and vulnerable. I found someone who designed the course of therapy sessions to fit my personality and sway.

    —Counseling Client

  • Katie facilitates skillfully combining professionalism, compassion, humility, and rich content in a magical way!

    —Alicia Havens

Unlock New Hope In Your Life