Facilitator, Coach, Debriefer and Trainer
Hey! I have loved living in Morocco and traveling throughout North Africa for more than 25 years. I have raised two boys here and am the happy “Mimi” of three grandsons.
Painting, hiking, and flower arranging are all things I enjoy. I am happy to do them whenever I get the chance.
Professionally, I love training in interpersonal skills and leadership practices, in order to bring increased health to the community life of teams and organizations. I especially enjoy proactive work with teams to lay foundations for a strong, healthy future. Believe it or not, I even enjoy helping groups in conflict to find a safe, productive way forward.
I started out pursuing a counseling degree, but a good friend basically said to me, “Sorry Katie, but I think Tim would be better at that.” He was so right!! As a result, I ended up with a Master of Science in Psychology, with dual specializations in Organizational Leader Development and Leadership Coaching Psychology through Capella University. What a mouthful, but what a better fit!
Looking forward comes naturally for me. That’s probably one of the reasons that coaching became so important to me.
Five hundred plus hours of coaching moved me toward my Professional Coach Credential (PCC) with the International Coach Federation. My love for facilitating group work is endorsed by the International Association of Facilitators.
Making See Beyond a place where you can get the resources you need to do better and stay longer in North Africa is one of the greatest joys of my life.
Hear About the Results
Timothy brings to his counseling a couple of decades of experience doing cross-cultural work himself . . . a huge ‘plus’!
Katie facilitates skillfully combining professionalism, compassion, humility, and rich content in a magical way!