Debriefing Certification Training
March 2025
Because their story deserves to be told
What do you really know about debriefing?
“Debriefing” is a term we throw around a lot. But what exactly is debriefing? Why is debriefing important? What needs to be included in debriefing, and what should be avoided? What is a personal debrief and how can I debrief people?
Perhaps you aren’t really sure about the answers to these questions.
This training will equip you to conduct transitional or personal debriefings—not trauma debriefings. Learn more about the different types of debriefing here.
See Beyond Certification is possible for those who successfully complete each requirement. You’ll find those requirements just above the application form below.
Application Requirements:
This training is open to HR professionals, Member Care providers, or others for whom debriefing is included in their job description and goes beyond the scope of one team. A minimum of 3 days of training in coaching skills, spiritual direction, or other similar training that includes skills and practice in listening and asking open questions is required to apply. This training requirement must have been met prior to the Debriefing Certification Training and normally within the last three years. See Beyond offers Coaching workshops regularly—please contact Katherine@seebeyond.cc for upcoming dates. For those who don’t have previous training, we offer assessments to determine suitability for $50.
The training requires a minimum of 9 participants, with a maximum of 18.
Pre-Training Work:
You need to receive a debriefing before training begins, preferably within the last six months. You may do this through any avenue available to you. See Beyond offers debriefing for $45/hour (non-profit rate). If you’d like to use our services, please click here and sign up.
There will also be several articles to read before the event. You will receive an email with these links after your application is accepted and within a few weeks of the start of the training.
Homework During the Training:
You will have reading or other assignments to complete during the training. You can expect these to take about 60-90 mins before each training, practice, and mentoring session.
What Others Are Saying
“I was looking for a way to help people to walk through transitions, and I did! The Debriefing Certification training was informational and practical and well....fun!”
“Even though I have served in member care for eight years, I had never been formally trained in debriefing and so I wanted the reassurance that I was doing an effective job. The demonstrations, tools, techniques, and practice supported me and I left with confidence and reassurance that I can do this and will from now on provide a more effective debrief for our members.”
“So many people listen to me with ‘me-centered listening’ and it makes me feel unimportant. I want to continue learning how to listen to others for their sake. I want to use the skill of debriefing to encourage others in my organisation and personal relationships.”
“Since I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor, I wasn’t sure I needed this additional training. Surely I was already competent enough to debrief after decades of counseling! I learned that personal debriefing is quite different from counseling or trauma debriefing, and I gained skills I didn’t even know I needed.”
“This training is about skills, attitudes, and mindsets, not a set of questions.”
“Even with a Master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling, I was still mystified by debriefing. I felt inadequate to even consider offering debriefs. However, this wonderfully informative and interactive 4-week class demystified debriefing for me! Through teaching, personal insights, and hands-on experience I realized the power of debriefing and now feel confident to move forward, offering this gift to others.”
"Honestly, I was nervous about the training because I knew it would require both vulnerability and evaluation ... and what if it turned out that I learned that debriefs I had done before this training had been done poorly? That would be painful news to hear. However, Katie and Nell put us at ease so quickly, with warmth, welcome, and a genuine invitation to practice curiosity, growth, and learning, not to be anxious about performance."
—Kathie, Member Care Specialist
Together, Learn to listen to their story in a new way
When you finish this training, you will:
Know your why or purpose for debriefing.
Know how to elicit the underlying story from your debriefee.
Have practiced debriefing with at least twice with fellow participant(s).
Have spent three hours with a mentor coach to go over your recorded practice session.
You Will Receive:
Individualized feedback on what you are doing well and ways to improve.
A rubric to help you cover the vital components of debriefing now and in the future.
A digital folder with key documents and additional tools/resources to use with your debriefing clients.
Dates & Times:
Four weeks, starting March 3, 2025
If these dates do not work for you, please sign up for future event notifications below.
Week Two
Mentor Coaching Session
You will only be required to meet with your mentor for 90 minutes on a weekday before the next training session.
You may schedule that day and time shortly approximately a month before the training starts.
Week Four
Mentor Coaching Session
You will only be required to meet with your mentor for 90 minutes before April 4, 2025.
You may schedule that day and time shortly approximately a month before the training starts.
Note: There is NO flexibility on the Training session dates and times. You must be available for all sessions for the complete time frame, barring last-minute emergencies.
If the above dates are inconvenient for you, please consider signing up for email notifications when we announce our next Debriefing Certification Training below!
Scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up for the current dates.
Costs and Payment
Early Application
$600 USD
(by January 31, 2025 and paid by February 7, 2025)
$675 USD
(final registration deadline on February 21, 2025)
You will receive an online invoice three weeks before the training begins, or within 3 business days of your application acceptance. After the early application deadline, failure to pay your invoice within one week (after receiving it) will result in an increase to the standard rate. Invoices will not go out until after we’ve reached our minimum number (9) of acceptable applications.
Online, using Zoom, which you can download in advance by clicking here.
The specific connection details will be sent after registration.
You can learn how our online learning works by clicking here.
what’s involved in See Beyond Debriefer Credentialing?
Participation in all 4 half-day training sessions of the Standard Debriefing Training.
At least two peer debriefs (with co-debriefers who are also taking the training), recorded, with self-feedback and feedback from the observer. This will happen on Fridays of weeks 1 and 3.
Two meetings with a mentor/trainer to go over your recorded debriefings. These happen during weeks 2 and 4. You will schedule in advance a 90-minute mentor session during each of those weeks
In order to become certified, you will need to obtain 90% twice on the basic SB debriefing requirement—a rubric you will have access to in advance of your practice. Your mentor/trainer will inform you when you have passed See Beyond’s certification level. It is possible that this will take more than two peer debriefs, and you will need to schedule additional recorded practice session(s) with someone beyond the scheduled practice sessions (weeks 2 and 4). In this case, an additional 90-minute session with your mentor coach will cost an additional $135/session.
Questions? Reach out to Katherine@seebeyond.cc
Click the “submit” button at the bottom of the application form. An invoice will be sent to you once our minimum participant number of 9 has been reached, or within 3 business days. The invoice includes online payment options.
Registration form
Each individual needs to complete a registration form.