What was the name of the event?
Who was/were your workshop facilitator(s)?
Which day are you evaluating? (Day 1, Day 2, etc. or whole event/all days)?
What was your level of satisfaction with the program?
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
If this form is for the first or "all days", regarding the pre-event marketing, registration, and pre-event communications, please describe what you have appreciated and/or what could be improved.
What made you feel safe or unsafe in the training?
Please describe your sense of connection with other participants in the training? What helped or hurt?
What content has been most helpful to you personally?
What content could be left out?
If this is the last day or a form for "all days", how likely are you to integrate what you learned into your daily life? What factors influence your answer?
How satisfied are you with the amount of practice time you had?
Please check the box that best describes your opinion.
There was no practice time.
I wish there had been more.
I liked the amount.
There was a bit too much.
There was way too much practice.
Please comment on the pacing, rhythm, and/or flow of the workshop today.
Please describe how engaging the training was and what factors influence your response.
Describe how this training connected (or not) with your learning style.
Describe how able you were to make your voice heard in the learning process and what factors contributed to your response.
What are the most useful insights and learning you experienced through this workshop?
Please comment on the value of this workshop, considering the benefits you gained, the workshop price, and time invested.
What did you appreciate about the facilitators' style? What adjustments would you suggest?
If there is a manual or workbook, what did you appreciate about it? What suggestions do you have to improve it?
Besides it's current name, can you suggest other names for this workshop/training that might better describe what you have experienced (last day or all days)?
To what extent were your hopes or expectations met?
This workshop was...
Very different than what I hoped and/or expected.
A little different than what I hoped and/or expected.
About was I hoped and/or expected.
A little better than what I hoped and/or expected.
Much better than what I hoped and/or expected.
What other comments or suggestions do you have?
May we anonymously use pieces of what you shared above in our marketing? If you would like us to use your name you may add it to the comments or suggestions section.